Archives: Awesome Team Member
Dr. Dorit Julich
Ronny Sobisch
Axel Pape
Private student from Mario Lopez and is a CRCA-Lopez Instructor.
Axel Pape passed his Green Belt Part II on Mai 2024, without any Mistake
Mario Lopez
Head of C.R.C.A
Frank Temmler
He mastered the Siu Leem Tau Form and he has the Yellow Belt.
Andre Walkowiak
Ayhan Yilmaz
International CRCA Adminstrator and Web Portal Developer of the international Site, Germany CRCA Portal, CRCA Wing Chun Shop …
CRCA Intstructor and Barnmember, private student from Randy Williams,
He is also private Student from Sifu Mario Lopez since December 2018
He achivied Black Belt 1 : Mook Yan Joang Fot Yut Ling Bot on 18.12.2018
Tiefgründige Worte ; Deep words …
I dedicate my first black belt to our deceased Wing CHun brother Michael,
may he rest in peace, his last words were to me: Ayhan You will be a master one day my brother! ”
Ich widme meinem ersten schwarzen Gürtel unseren verstorbenen Wing Chun Bruder Michael, möge er in frieden Ruhen, seine letzten Worte waren zu mir: Ayhan Du wirst eines Tages ein Meister mein Bruder! ”
Rolf Tekok
CRCA Instructor and private student from Mario Lopez
Passed tests:
Brown Belt Part I : 25. Oktober 2017 in 50 minutes, without mistake
Brown Belt Part II : 25. Juni 2018 in 49 minutes without any mistske
Brown Belt Part III : 14. November 2018, got his Brown Belt
Thomas Schroedter
Thomas is priest and he loves Wing Chun Gung Fu. He is also owner of the third Dan of Ju–Jutsu! He is now studiying for the first Black Belt also first Master Belt “Mook Jan Yoang Fut Jut Ling Bot 108”.