Dai Sifu Randy Williams

Sifu Randy Williams began training in the art of Wing Chun Gung Fu at the age of thirteen under the instruction of his first Sifu, George Yau Chu, in Los Angeles, California. In 1972, Sifu Williams opened his own school which would later grow into the Close Range Combat Academy (1988) – spanning the globe in over fifteen countries.
In creating the CRCA lineage of Wing Chun Gung Fu, Sifu Williams combined both the instruction of his teachers as well as his own personal experience in using the art. Thus, while similar, the CRCA system is not like many of the other traditional lineages of Wing Chun. Sifu Williams believes that Wing Chun is a living expression in the art of hand to hand combat, and as such must grow, adapt, and evolve in order to address the ever-changing landscape that modern combat situations bring to a practitioner. Thus, CRCA Wing Chun Gung Fu relies heavily on the practical applications of technique rather than tradition.
As a martial arts professional, Sifu Williams has authored nine books concerning the theories and practical applications of Wing Chun Gung Fu and produced over fifty instructional videos which demonstrate the various techniques and drills used in the CRCA lineage. He is also the inventor of the Octopus Dummy and has been featured in multiple issues of various martial arts publications such as Black Belt and Kung Fu Magazine. His skills in martial arts has not only made him famous as a Wing Chun Master, but they have also propelled his career as a well-known bodyguard.
Sifu Williams prefers to be called “Seef” instead of “Sifu” or “See Foo”. It has become a title of endearment and respect among his students, reflecting a strong connection to his guidance and tutelage as a master in the art of Wing Chun Gung Fu.
Sifu Williams considers all of his students family, and he is known for his uncanny sense of humor, generosity, and ability to improve every student’s skill – both as martial artists and individuals. He is regarded as one of the most dedicated and resourceful instructors in the field of martial arts.
To Seef: We, your students, love you. Thank you for all that you have given us. We are grateful for what we have received.
See featured Video :
Randy Williams on The Mick Tully Show
Many thanks to womatelevision …